随着国民生活水平提升,人们越来越注重生活品质及健康生活的理念,因此,对于肉制品的要求也越来越高。中国一年的肉类消费量超过欧盟和美国的总和;同时,中国也是世界上重要的肉制品市场之一,蓬勃发展的中国肉制品为国内外广大进口商、经销商以及来自多个国家的顶级生产商提供了巨大的机遇。 With the improvement of people's lving standards. peope pcy more and more attention to the cuc ty of life and the concept of healthy life. The requirements for meat products are getting higher. China's one-year meat consumption exceeded the sum ot the: EU and the United states. At the same time. China is also one of the important meat markets of the world The booming markets of Chinese meat provides huge opportunities for domestic and foreign importers distributors and too producers from many countries
2022年FHC综合肉制品展|FHC 2022 第二十六届上海环球食品展
■ 举办日期:2022年11月8-10日
■ 举办地点:上海新国际博览中心
■ 展馆地址:中国上海浦东新区龙阳路2345号
■ 室内展厅:N1-N5馆、E3-E7馆、W4-W5馆
■ 主办单位:上海市餐饮烹饪行业协会 上海博华国际展览有限公司
■ 举办周期:每年一届
展出类别:肉食及成品、保鲜分割肉、生态有机满食品、高牛羊肉、冷冻食品、生鲜肉系列、调味加理肉系列、肉类切割、肉类保鲜、肉类烹饪设备 mmeat and finished products 、fresh-cut meat 、ecologica 、organic meat food、shigh end beef and mutton 、poultry and poultry products 、frozen food 、fresh meat series、flavour meat series 、meat cutting meat preservation 、meat cooking equipment。
Ii am very glod to attend FHC 2020. We got in to ouched with many suppliers of high- ty ingredients and leamt a lot on new trends in okin years in the future. We hope to have the opportunity to vst FHc again next year and look forward fo seeing an even better show
Foster James/ Regresorarve of Chin Eastern Airines Caterina Deportment
I think that FHC is a very professional food trade show with arge scale It's a good platform to provide opportunities and negotiations for k people who work in the food industry. There are lots of products which we can choose on site, The security and anti-infection measures are very deta ed on the spot, I'l visit the show again next year.SPEAKERS
参展联络: 上海博华国际展览有限公司
李明玉 18516717850(微信同号)
地址:上海市徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼 邮编:200030